Child custody is a complex matter and often requires the assistance of an experienced attorney. Parents may agree to a custody plan or face a long battle in court that can cause significant stress on everyone involved. Hiring an attorney who can help navigate the process and work to ensure your rights as a parent are protected is an important decision. This article lists some of the best Child Custody Lawyers in St. Louis, MO.
Kallen Law Firm provides representation for a wide variety of family-related issues, including divorce and custody. The firm serves clients throughout the greater St. Louis area and focuses on cases involving military divorce, high net worth divorce, and separation. It also handles issues related to child support and asset division. The firm also assists with domestic violence, prenuptial agreements, and adoptions.
While there are many different types of custody arrangements, Missouri courts typically favor joint legal and physical custody. This allows both parents to spend time with the children and make decisions about their well-being. However, in some situations, it may be in the child’s best interest to only have one parent. If this is the case, it must be shown that there is a compelling reason to award sole custody to one parent.
If both parents are able to cooperate and make an amicable agreement about their parenting arrangement, they may choose to enter mediation. This can be a less expensive and more efficient way to resolve a child custody dispute. It also allows the parties to have a voice in the outcome of their case and helps avoid having a judge decide for them.
A reputable law firm can handle all aspects of a child custody case. The firm will work with both parents and any other relevant parties to create a comprehensive parenting plan that is in the best interests of the child. It will consider things like the ability of each parent to provide emotional and financial support, any history of abuse or neglect, and the safety of the child.
In addition to establishing custody and visitation arrangements, a lawyer can help with child support issues. The state uses a formula to determine how much each party must pay in child support. The amount is calculated using the parents’ monthly income, which includes their wages, salary, and benefits. The court will then divide the total support obligation between the two parties and order each parent to pay a percentage of that sum.
Stange Law Firm PC offers services related to military and high net worth divorce, separation, and child custody. It has more than 20 offices across the country and works with ex-spouses to reach mutually beneficial agreements. The firm specializes in matters relating to child and spousal support and property division, including a review of existing agreements and the preparation of new ones. It has been recognized by multiple organizations, such as Thomson Reuters Super Lawyers. The firm also provides mediation and arbitration services to help couples reach their own resolutions.
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